Shift It.

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App to help nurses swap and manage their shifts

Awarded funding from the Monash University Startup Accelerator

Technical Work

React Native frontend, styled using React Native Paper

Ruby on Rails API, using JWT tokens for authorization, Sidekiq for background job management and a Redis server for WebSockets

Integration with AWS including S3 storage, route 53 and Simple Email Service (SES)

Tests with the Jest testing framework

Utilising Figma and Canva for design and wireframe creation for user testing and presenting

App store badgeGoogle Play Badge
Github cat logoGithub logo


Full Stack Developer & Scrum Master
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Internal webapp for trading teams

Contract role to deliver key features before hard deadlines

My responsibility was to keep the team on track and prioritise effectively to continuously deliver improvements for end users

Technical Work

Frontend built using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, and JQuery to deliver custom and reusable components

Implemented comprehensive regression tests for all the key user workflows using the Jest testing framework

A Java backend built with the Spring Framework

Smaller Projects

Odin Project Logo

In the process of self teaching, primarily through the amazing course at The Odin Project, I built many different projects

A React "Battleship" game

A React "Where's Wally" game

One of my very first projects - a Ruby command line chess game

And the list of repos goes on...

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